Posted by: MarksvilleandMe | October 8, 2011

Siblings Separated a True Story Part 6

I left you with “So my younger sister and brother were of all things taken in by another Uncle and his wife. They thought since I had come out fine then this set would too, boy where they in for the ride of their lives.”

My Aunt and Uncle had to keep a constant eye on them from the get go, they were very delayed in learning, and later to find out one was mildly retarded. As time went by with constant supervision my sister did ok. They even took in more foster kids. That is when the found out about the problem they didn’t expect. My younger brother began molesting the kids they were bringing in, so they ended up putting my younger brother into a boys home. As time went by and the other kids got services to help them out, my Aunt became very ill and battled Cancer for quite a few years until there was really nothing left to her body, they had cut out much of what they could without killing her from taking a major organ. While she was battling Cancer my uncles insurance said they could not cover both the Cancer treatments, and the facility that my younger brother was in so they had to sign him back over to the state.

 My Aunt would die a few years later, and then again all hell would break loose. My sister with no one to keep a constant eye on her began to steal, sneak out of the house, and with her being 21 she got with a 15-year-old boy and got pregnant. My family said she had to leave. They pretty much dis-owned her when this happened. They tried to keep her away from the father of the baby as he was bad news all on his own without my sisters help. Time went by and she hadn’t told anyone else she was pregnant and one time threatening to kill herself she was put on the Psychiatric Ward, where they would pump her full of drugs before she told them that she was pregnant.

She was 6 months to be exact. I am not sure what she went through there, but they did let her out, DSS helped her get a place to live, and prenatal care. I have heard from someone who was there during the birth that when it came time to push she got off of the bed and hid under a table (explains a lot of things later). She gave birth to a baby boy.

Around three weeks into the baby’s life, there would be something going on and when questioned by CPS, she literally threw the baby across the room at the worker who caught the baby, and from that time removed him out of her care. She would go through the almost 9 months of  services and classes to gain her son back again. Soon after she got him back, she would look me up and enter our lives. Up until now in my mind except for the one visit from another sister (which will come later in my story), she was my cousin.

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